ECP Gallery
Have you built a carousel from the ECP plans?
Email us some high resolution photos (JPG format preferred) along with your name, member number, and any customization's you may have done, and we will add it here to the gallery. email to
Built by Richard Crooks CMMA #820. This carousel appeared in Horse Tales vol 19.4 pg 19.
Built by Colin Beal CMMA #809, It was published in Horse Tales Vol. 18. p. 12 and again 18.4 p.3. This carousel was the first reader completed ECP built from the newsletter serialized publication. It was completed by late 2015, before the series finished.
This carousel was completed by the Tehachapi Mountain Carving group. Don Kordes, their oldest member (95), was responsible for building the carousel.
The frame was built by Janet’s father. The figures were carved by club members. Janet Polleta CMMA #842, was the contact person. Articles in Horse Tails Vol's 23.2 & 23.4.