Join the CMMA
To join the Carousel Modelers and Miniature Association,
Brief History of CMMA and Membership Benefits
The Carousel Modelers and Miniatures Association (CMMA) was founded in 1986. The original purpose of CMMA was to bring together modelers and miniature carousel animal carvers that had an interest in building operating carousel models. The organization quickly grew to include members from around the world. Over time, miniature carousel figure collectors joined the association. Many of these miniature collectors have built their own carousel models.
CMMA membership includes a subscription to Horse Tales. This full-color quarterly publication features construction articles, plans, member profiles, technical assistance, and other valuable carousel modeling information. Membership also includes our annual convention where members gather to showcase our models, share information, and enjoy the fellowship of CMMA family and friends. Back issues of Horse Tales are also available.
Membership dues are $25.00 per year for the U.S. Membership dues for other countries are $30.00. Membership runs from January 1st through December 31st. Members receive the four issues of Horse Tales for their membership year. If you have an interest in carousels and especially miniature carousels, we invite you to join our group.
To join or renew online, fill out this form and pay via PayPal here.
or if you still wish to mail in a check download the application form here